
Type index

Class Kiha110-100 are a diesel multiple unit (DMU) train type for ordinary services developed by JR East from 1991.
Accommodation consists of fixed transverse seating arranged 2+1 abreast, with longitudinal bench seats at the ends of the cars. Passengers can open or close plug doors manually by pushing buttons. They discontinue to employ pipe-style front-end skirts employed by class Kiha110-0. Class Kiha110-100 is a single car with a toilet.
Lightweight bolster-less bogies, DT58A/TR242, are adopted. Motored bogies, DT58A, adopt 2-axle drive. The brake system is the electric command brake.
Class Kiha110-100 vehicles are equipped with a prime mover, DMF14HZA, rated at 420PS and are equipped with multi-plate wet clutch hydraulic transmission gears, DW14A-B in order to achieve high service speed and high acceleration performance.
The air conditioner is AU26J-B driven by a prime mover.
Class Kiha110-100 vehicles are now used on the rural services of the Yamada, Kamaishi, Ishinomaki, Banetsu West, Banestu East, Kesennuma and Koumi lines.
Technical Data
Items Data
Service speed, etc. Service speed: 100km/h
Length 19500mm
Width 2928mm
Height 3995mm
Bogie DT58A (motored) TR242 (trailer)
Prime mover DMF14HZA (450PS)
Transmission DW14B
Air conditioner AU26J-B (20600kacl/h)
Designed by JR East